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Effect On WOmen

  Black woman are at the bottom of the totem pole. We are hated by society and people within  our race.


Little black girls striaght from the womb are taught that society does not like your kinks , coils,and curls, In fact, society hates it so much that little black girls are forced into burning their scalp with chemicals, all in the name of getting out the naps.








They are taught that light skin is best and their natural melanin in their skin is not okay. They grow up and are bullied and beat up for their dark radiance. Get called, " cute for a black girl".  Eventually we suck into  it and bleach our golden brown skin all in the name of resembling Beyoncé. or of images of beauty streamed by western media.


Skin bleaching is an example of internalized racism. Although it id quite dangerous people do it to fit into to societies ideologies of beauty.

This is an example of a popular skin lightening product.

Side effects of Skin Bleaching

1. Dark grey spots

2. Skin cancer

3. Acne Swelling of the skin Thinning of the skin

4. Cataracts

5. Setting down of fat on face, chest, upper back and stomach

6. Increase in appetite and weight gain


8. Neurological and kidney damage due to high level of mercury used in the creams

9. Psychiatric disorders

10. Severe birth defects

11. Asthma

12. Liver damage

Emotional and Physical effects

Black girls are more at risk to sexual abuse and drug abuse.  Black  women are more prone because es ithey already at the bottom of the totem pole of society. As a result nobody cares if we are taken advantage of because we are thought of poorly.


Thorough the film Dark Girls., filmmakers Bill Duke and D. Channsin Berry explore a deep-seated bias within black culture against women with darker skin.

Limitations this places on Black Women

Black women are the least coupled group of people in America.42% of black women in America are not marrried. Darker black women are lease likely to get hired for a job versus a lighter black woman. 

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